I have to tell ten things that I am blessed to have in my life...and then pass it on to 3 others....so here goes!
1. God - with out him nothing else really matters.
2. My hubby - who's my shoulder to cry on.
3. My parents - who have always shown me support and love
4. My dogs - they make me smile, I don't even want to imagine life without them.
5. My friends - Got to love having great friends
6. My NSSS Sisters - those girls are great for a laugh, never mind listening to my problems, and are great for inspiration
7. My job - I 'm lucky to not only have a job but one that pays decently with this current economy.
8. Being creative - it truly is a coping skill for me, and not sure what else I would do to deal with all my daily stress
9. All my craft supplies - I'm blessed to have as much as I do.
10. My car - that gets me every where I need to go.
Now to pick the three to pass this award on to...oh this is hard, but here they are:
Shawn - One of my sweet and very creative NSSS http://shawnsfiresidecraftingroom.blogspot.com/
Brenda - A very creative lady http://brendasscrappyblog.blogspot.com/
Jackie - Another very creative lady http://jackiespapercrafts.blogspot.com/